Good morning everyone. That was some good matches played last night. Congrats to all that got through to the next round. I'd like to clear a few things up before i list the names of the next round players
1. A lot of players were confused yesterday about if the game was a race to 3 or race to 5. I know it is MY FAULT for not informing everyone prior to the start of the game and i apologize for it. So you will ask then why was it made race to 3 instead of race to 5? Well my original design of the tournament was meant for 24 players, but we ended up with 32 players. The tournament budget that i set out was originally designed for 24 players, with a approx per hour rate for each round. We seem to be exceeding that time limit on every round coz we have more players, also i see a lot of time is being wasted when the match is on. I want to finish up with the rounds as quickly as possible so we can have a good long Final round between TWO players.
2. I have NOT budgeted "practice/warm up" games in this tournament. For every round i have booked tables under my name, but when i get to the venue i see some players playing on those tables prior to the start of the match. Kindly note that if you are a tournament player your practice games are NOT going to be covered in the tournament fees. Food & drinks are not covered in the tournament fees either. So a humble request to everyone is if you take a table for practice or warm up game please clear your bill before the tournament starts.
3. I've noticed some players coming with friends who ALSO try to sneak in a few games on our tournament booked tables, which is NOT allowed.Yesterday i had an argument with Hotshots as they were charging me for people who i dont even know. If your friends are coming with you to watch the game then by all means i dont mind. But please tell them to play on some other table. Hotshots do not know who are our tournament players and when your friends keep playing on our booked tables, I have to pay for them.
4. A word of advice and something you all should know that when taking tables for warm up please inform the receptionist that u want to play for a certain TIME, half hour, 1 hour etc and DO NOT TAKE OPEN TABLE. I learnt that Open table means even if you play for 17 mins they will charge u for the complete half hour or 1 hour, which is bullcrap!
In the next rounds i'm going to have all tables open for 1 hour first, if the games are still going i'll restart the table for another half hour. So atleast i know how much time is taken on each table. So dont worry take your time, relax and play a good game.
I'm really sorry to anyone if i seem to be rude but thats just the way it is. I know the tension is getting tighter now that the finals are coming closer but i'd appreciate all the co-operation from every participant. Thank You :)
Oh and the most imp. thing...i havent had my coffee yet so till then you will just have to wait to see who qualified for the next round :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Good morning everyone. That was some good matches played last night. Congrats to all that got through to the next round. I'd like to clear a few things up before i list the names of the next round players
1. A lot of players were confused yesterday about if the game was a race to 3 or race to 5. I know it is MY FAULT for not informing everyone prior to the start of the game and i apologize for it. So you will ask then why was it made race to 3 instead of race to 5? Well my original design of the tournament was meant for 24 players, but we ended up with 32 players. The tournament budget that i set out was originally designed for 24 players, with a approx per hour rate for each round. We seem to be exceeding that time limit on every round coz we have more players, also i see a lot of time is being wasted when the match is on. I want to finish up with the rounds as quickly as possible so we can have a good long Final round between TWO players.
2. I have NOT budgeted "practice/warm up" games in this tournament. For every round i have booked tables under my name, but when i get to the venue i see some players playing on those tables prior to the start of the match. Kindly note that if you are a tournament player your practice games are NOT going to be covered in the tournament fees. Food & drinks are not covered in the tournament fees either. So a humble request to everyone is if you take a table for practice or warm up game please clear your bill before the tournament starts.
3. I've noticed some players coming with friends who ALSO try to sneak in a few games on our tournament booked tables, which is NOT allowed.Yesterday i had an argument with Hotshots as they were charging me for people who i dont even know. If your friends are coming with you to watch the game then by all means i dont mind. But please tell them to play on some other table. Hotshots do not know who are our tournament players and when your friends keep playing on our booked tables, I have to pay for them.
4. A word of advice and something you all should know that when taking tables for warm up please inform the receptionist that u want to play for a certain TIME, half hour, 1 hour etc and DO NOT TAKE OPEN TABLE. I learnt that Open table means even if you play for 17 mins they will charge u for the complete half hour or 1 hour, which is bullcrap!
In the next rounds i'm going to have all tables open for 1 hour first, if the games are still going i'll restart the table for another half hour. So atleast i know how much time is taken on each table. So dont worry take your time, relax and play a good game.
I'm really sorry to anyone if i seem to be rude but thats just the way it is. I know the tension is getting tighter now that the finals are coming closer but i'd appreciate all the co-operation from every participant. Thank You :)
Oh and the most imp. thing...i havent had my coffee yet so till then you will just have to wait to see who qualified for the next round :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)