From an earlier in the day thread - but its more appropriate here. What you are going to read is hypothetical and the circumstances of the incident may not be what they seem, however, I will include this for the sake of being provocative;-
Lets now move forward 9 months and read from the Gulf Times - "The lower court today awarded a Qatari National a 2 year jail sentence and a QR200,000 fine for careless and reckless driving which resulted in the death of an Indian national who was engaged in road works on C ring road in August 2009. The National is believed to be in the process of appealing the decision"
Now a further 3 months forward from that......and again from the Gulf Times....
"The Court of Appeal today overturned a previous sentence passed on a Qatari National in regard to a Road Traffic incodent in August last year. The national had previously been awarded a 2 year jail sentance and a QR200,000 fine. The Court of Appeal suspended the 2 year sentence and reduced the fine to QR10,000. The Nationals insurance company was ordered to pay the blood money. In explaining its decision to reduce the sentence, the Court of Appeal said that in reaching its decison, it hasd taken into consideration the defendants age and circumstance"
This is hypothetical, but it is based on a number of recent accounts of a similar nature. Now you tell me whats wrong here in terms of deterrent - rhetorical question.
From an earlier in the day thread - but its more appropriate here. What you are going to read is hypothetical and the circumstances of the incident may not be what they seem, however, I will include this for the sake of being provocative;-
Lets now move forward 9 months and read from the Gulf Times - "The lower court today awarded a Qatari National a 2 year jail sentence and a QR200,000 fine for careless and reckless driving which resulted in the death of an Indian national who was engaged in road works on C ring road in August 2009. The National is believed to be in the process of appealing the decision"
Now a further 3 months forward from that......and again from the Gulf Times....
"The Court of Appeal today overturned a previous sentence passed on a Qatari National in regard to a Road Traffic incodent in August last year. The national had previously been awarded a 2 year jail sentance and a QR200,000 fine. The Court of Appeal suspended the 2 year sentence and reduced the fine to QR10,000. The Nationals insurance company was ordered to pay the blood money. In explaining its decision to reduce the sentence, the Court of Appeal said that in reaching its decison, it hasd taken into consideration the defendants age and circumstance"
This is hypothetical, but it is based on a number of recent accounts of a similar nature. Now you tell me whats wrong here in terms of deterrent - rhetorical question.