The Indian Embassy stinks the diplomatic place out - what a shambles - its an absolute disgrace!!!

1... Visas to visit your miserable country - Website says - get there for 8am start - I am there at 0730 - there is already a queue of "the knowlegable" - staff start to arrive at 0810 - window eventually opens at 0830 - staff all behind the window having a chat, cuppa tea - "what do you mean there are people waiting... theyre only customers - they can wait...!!!!!" I bang on the window to try and illicit some semblance of responsibility - all that does is harden their resolve!! Theyre a canny bunch these Indian clerical workers - theyre not going to be intimidated by some meaningless Brit - they have what I want and they know it!!! A mexican stand off ensues!! Finally with the weight of support that is lended by an irrate Qatari national, the staff condescent to start their purile duty.

In true Indian fashion, there is no urgency, no order, no procedure, no air freshener!!!! - I dont know what it looks like "upstairs" in the ivory tower, but down where the groundlings like those of us who need a bloody visa it is as much of a shambles as Mumbai airport is..... dont get me started on that by the way!!!! Im sure we didnt leave the country like this in 1946 - what a mess they have made!!

The Indian Embassy in Qatar is much like India itself - the website is slick and shiny and promises much, but the reality of the Embassy or the country flatters to deceive and is frankly a bloody mess - no wonder they all want to leave the placeand go overseas!!