I agree that you should be able to take it back to any store Im afraid! The problem is that the guys at customer service have one rule and that is to follow the rules. In other countries people are expected to think outside the box whereas in my experience, things dont work that way here. Customer services did what they are told to do, plain and simple and we all know that getting angry at them will get you nowhere. When the problem is simple they can cope no problem and are fantastic but when something unusal happens - like this incident, they have no protocol for that and instead of saying I'll see what I can do, they just say no. In fairness to them they'd probably get sacked if they did do that here! It just grates when you find things are different to what you are used to. To all the peolpe who at this point will say go home then, that's not the point, it takes time to adjust and that is sometimes frustrating. It would be exactly the same if you went to our countries. Its funny how people jump on the band wagon and tell Donisggod to chill out and calm down. We all get frustrated by small things at times, its part of life especailly when you move countries. I share your frustration Donisgood!