I'm no powerboat expert but i know for a fact that big gulf arab egos played a significant part in this descision...Qatar obviously isn't happy that the WPPA presidency is with a UAE national while the Qatar team is the biggest in terms of investment...it's called the nouveau riche syndrome...
I wonder where you get your "facts" from sir, divination perhaps? If so, what is your preferred method? Runes? Tarot? Kidney beans?
gadarene said I'm no powerboat expert but ...
I'm no powerboat expert but i know for a fact that big gulf arab egos played a significant part in this descision...Qatar obviously isn't happy that the WPPA presidency is with a UAE national while the Qatar team is the biggest in terms of investment...it's called the nouveau riche syndrome...
I wonder where you get your "facts" from sir, divination perhaps? If so, what is your preferred method? Runes? Tarot? Kidney beans?