gadarene said "during ramadan every part of the body must be restrained." a non-muslim,i have a question,does this mean that outside of ramadan,restraint needn't be practiced?..."

Restraint, etc, is to be practiced throughout our lives. The time for fasting and prayer is to realign our lives and strengthen our resolve to do what is right in the sight of God. We are "works in progress" still, not perfect and thus, we make mistakes. Every day is a new day to do good. Prayer and meditation important.

The ones who misinterpret and misuse their religion are something else but they are not the majority. People notice them because they break away from the norm. People generally don't notice the majority esp the ones who are reticent and keep their dignified silence. And I'm not talking about just Muslims. Others too.

/It's always good to be a trailblazer, but depends on primary objective.

The Cookie Monster said it.
I also don't plagiarize...