Pitstop, if it is haram to boast about such things, and I have no reason to believe it isn't, then why should a tv network be allowed to broadcast such content?

As Gypsy points out, until 20 years ago this sort of thing was illegal even in the west, and in fact most countries would still ban the broadcast of such content at certain times of the day to ensure that children are unlikely to view it.

Consider the situation of the Danish newspapers that published the cartoons of the prophet. Most people weren't outraged and offended by the cartoonist as an individual, but by the newspaper for publishing them, and eventually at the entire Danish population, leading to bans of Danish butter. Their anger was directed at the newspaper for endorsing and propagating the cartoons (rightfully) rather than just at the cartoonist. Without the newspaper agreeing to publish the cartoons, there woudl never have been an issue, and similarly in this instance, it was LBC who broadcast this guy's sex life into Saudi living rooms, so they too should be held partially responsible.