I think the production company that made the QA ads surely must have played a trick on them, because they are so clearly wrong.

There are two I mean in particular, and each is played over and over (and over and over).

The first is the one where the chef is cooking, and the voice over says it’s “726 layers”. 726? Wtf? I mean, seriously, W.T.F.?? It’s an appetizer, and they want us to believe it has 726 layers??? Don’t make me laugh.

And the other is the silly ad for the premium terminal when we are told it’s “36 to 38 degrees; no higher; no lower;” Right. It’s 37 degrees inside the Premium Terminal? I’m fairly confident that if the Premium Terminal was kept at 37 degrees, day in, day out, the airline wouldn’t have too many happy passengers.

And who can’t help but laugh at that dumb woman on the Sedar ad, with the crappy voice over and all those stupid gestures she does to emphasise the “top quality” and “after sales service”. And, best of all, play close attention to the hound on her shirt – it starts by pointing to the right, then the shots are reversed and it points to the left, and then at the end it points to the right. Did the director think no one would notice??