who is the friends of whooooo ???? now the shi3a are the threat now ??????? common .. this is the first chapter in the book : devide to concor .. when westerns say things like that, they are ONLY pushing the muslims to devide !! and thus they will be able to control better !! if you honnestly believe that the US and isreal and the friends of the arabs and Iran is the enemy then you need help mate !!!
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
Stop smoking WEED Stone cold !!
who is the friends of whooooo ???? now the shi3a are the threat now ??????? common .. this is the first chapter in the book : devide to concor .. when westerns say things like that, they are ONLY pushing the muslims to devide !! and thus they will be able to control better !! if you honnestly believe that the US and isreal and the friends of the arabs and Iran is the enemy then you need help mate !!!
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”