I have to say, reading all this is very worrying. I'll give my case and lets see the criticism I get.

I left Qatar in March after being on a business trip in Dubai, whilst on my trip (on behalf of my employer - a State run Oil Company), I received some bad news from the UK and had to leave 9 days into the trip.

Whilst in UK and after notifing my employer of my emergency leave, I noticed no payment was made to my account, I was then bombarded with threats and horrid extremely personal emails from a number of employees, passing judgement on my actions. I lost a very close family member, I was then advised indirectly that I would be terminated upon my return to Qatar.

Here is my reason for not returning:
A. I have 2 yound children in UK and couldnt face not seeing them for a huge amount of time, whilst I repaid my debt to HSBC and a small amount to my employer.
B. The threats where intimidating and personal and I was not prepared to risk my future in returning.
C. I originally took the loan from HSBC in good faith on the back of my position in Qatar.
D. I outlayed thousands of Riyals for Accomodation, Paid out huge amounts in flying my family out, cost of living was more than expected.
E. Being trapped was not worth any amount of money.

However you want to look at this, Qatar's controlling element does not help itself, in the UK I have zero debt and have run a bank account for 25years, I have freedom and can live without the stress that should I need to go to my family in Italy I do not have to ask permission.

I never knew the extent of the control your life is under when I started and I regret going to Qatar for this. I have not one bad word to say against any Qtari Nationals, they where all except 1 or 2 very welcoming.

I contacted my bank the minute I knew I wasnt returning to arrange repayment, only to be given a ridiculous instalment figure to repay. I am not in work at present and trying to rebuild my life. I will challenge any action by any Qatari bank by taking them to the High Court, as I am NO thief, No Fraudster and honest in all my actions.

Honesty is the best option and I hope to resolve my situation in the years to come.