just finished lunch and all these comments... thanks guys...let's see , we'll start with the great DARUDE..hmm..u do ask 4 pix huh??lol...guez why you cant see them iz becoz u needed a new glasses..change them da..LABDA..yup,gez im one of them , gudness i add again same subject lool..DRESSSES.. SMOKE..try it one time maybe/maybe not it will work ;)Yes DARUDE,BRIXEXPAT iz ryt..(i will mizzzz u brix,even i still not see you or met you yet..lol) DA JUST IMAGINE...(practice makes perfect-start now)..FRIEDUNICORN..just finished watchin 27 dresses...do you know the latest one now its 27 1/2 DRESSES...try to look at the half lool....GYPSY seriously speaking I WILL BE THE 1ST ONE to wear that specially in the office coz i run out of budget for DRESSSSESSS ..loool...MIDNITEBOY...got no comment on u..tnx anyway ;)
And finally last but not the least of course CUCKOOAJI which world i am???lemme see hmmm was born on the 80's...but 1880's.... cum on C..what do u mean i like it also???the subject about DRESSSES??? or looking at SEXY DRESSING women????....like it or not pipol... we are here in Doha, they have their own culture and all...YUP,just a little repect please...and PLISSSSSSSSSSSS...no mor..no mor...no mor....DRESSSSSSSSSSS....(ooooppps..sorry,m lookin for my dress???anyone see where it is????)

OH GOODNESS, THANKS GUYS for all the comment...mmmwaahhh

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