to reduce the rent else you will be vacating the house as you are getting good offers in the market.

I did he same and my landlord reduced the rent since he knows that it will not be easy to find another tenant with the same rent.
Also there are several villas standing alone in my area.

Recently one of the Qatari who build 10 villas near my house, waited for more than 8 months to find customers. In the begning he was asking rent of QR. 18,000 for double story villa (3 kitchen, total 8 rooms incl maid room and 6 bathroom), he reduced the rent till 13,000/- per month despite that no one came.
Finally he made partitions in each villa and made 4 flats (2 spacious room, 2 attached bathooms and a full kitchen) and he rented for QR 4,000 each with water and electricity.
Same villa also has 1 bedroom and kitchen for QR. 3,000 incl. w/e.
Most of the villas are full now :-D
This way he is making good money but he had to spend few hundred thousands extra.