u know it is so sad to read about all these exchange of thoughts you have guys....
we are all filipinos.. but u know... instead of helping each other.. we are the ones destroying each others reputation.. all these are so mean to anybody.. especially if other nationalities are reading about this... aren't you even known manners in the forum? i wonder how could you guys come up with all these opinions.
anyway.. to the one who posted that the school needs an overhaul.. then go to the the ministry of educations here and complain.. or else go to the school and look for the principal or any boards of trustee they got there and tell them straightforward.. not that you have to shout it in a forum.. .. what satisfaction you can achieve when you know other people's opinion? could they solve your queries?
u know guys.. to those parents who have their children enrolled in that school and keeps whining about the school's standards... their incapability.. their extra curricular activities.. and the product they are selling..why you have to complain here? and why u still sending your kids there.. once you enrolled your kids there means you trust the school and every single people (teachers, principals etc) there....
and the teachers are not working as charity there.. they have needs and family like each of us.. so better be cautious to every topic you open.. and be specific.. and be sure what you said are true.. an apology is totally stupid to do once you already said the words...
and just an fyi... i am not a parent..but i am a ql reader for almost a year and have an old account... but i am concerned with these controversy.. especially when people tend to forgot their professionalism just to say something in the forum..
chill guys.. go to that school request for a meeting and shout your opinions in person concerned.. this way you can prove that you are really concerned with your complains etc... such forums in the website is totally a stupid idea...

- a concerned person- ;)