27 July 2009 The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean http://www.emro.who.int/index.asp held a special session of the Regional Committee with the attendance of Their Excellencies the Ministers of Health and heads of delegations from the 22 countries of the Region to discuss the necessary arrangements to be taken during the season of Umra and Hajj this year and the necessary procedures to be adopted. The special session was held last Wednesday, 22 July 2009, in the Kuwait Conference Hall of the Regional Office and was followed by a press conference that was attended by a large number of news media. Members of the Regional Committee agreed upon the following resolution regarding the above. The countries of EMRO have adopted the following resolution: see PDF dated 26-7-2009 http://www.emro.who.int/CSR/h1n1/pdf/RC_Resolution26-7-09.pdf
The WHO GAR report was suspended on July 16, the regional update for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO), under the directorship of Director: Dr Hussein Abdel-Razzak Al Gezairy is published both in Arabic and English and the updated statistics by EMRO country (includes Qatar). Published here: http://www.emro.who.int/csr/h1n1/