If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner..

He was 24 when he became actively involved in politics.
He was 45 when he was sentenced to life in prison.
He was 71 when he was released.
He was 75 when he received the Nobel Peace Prize.
He was 76 when he became South Africa’s first black democratically elected President.
He was 77 when he established the Nelson Mandela Childrens’ Fund
He was 81 when he established the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
He was 85 when he launched his HIV/AIDS campaign with his prison number ‘46664’.
In short, NelsonMandela has spent 67 years of his life fighting for humanitarian rights including
issues of race, gender, poverty, disease and lack of education.
By connecting people with ways to learn from, and act on NelsonMandela’s values, we are asking
participants to do one thing to make an imprint on the world around them. Believing in the unique
ability of each of us as individuals, our hope is to inspire a global movement for positive change,
step by step, hand in hand.
All we ask of any individual is the gift of 67 minutes spent in the service of their community, or
of others less able or fortunate than themselves.