Since I don't shop for either I don't know the ratio of halters to t-shirts so I will take your word on it and concede that the shops should be responsible in how they market the goods.

I do see as I walk past the stores both risque and conservative clothes for sale, although I haven't done a study on the availability of either one, but both are available to some degree.

Another observation is that abaya clad women are looking and purchasing some of these "questionable" fashions, yet it seems clear they are not wearing them to the mall. So either they get pleasure from wearing them at home (for whatever reason) or wearing them under their abayas. Either way why should I care or why should I stop them?? They are the appropriate users.

I feel no obligation to determine their motive, however I do feel an obligation to protect their personal right to do so.

I also believe there is an obligation by all to obey the laws and customs and those who do not should be appropriately punished. Personal responsibility. But those who do obey should not suffer because others do not.

Just my libertarian beleifs.

"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"