I was thinking about the Qatar Cool fee fluctuations and wondering why the different developers seem to be getting different rates from Qatar Cool and why they are not dealing with them collectively to get one standard rate for all - power to the people and the more people you represent the bigger the bargaining power and media interest, etc, etc. One post says Sabban Towers' rate is QR400sqm, First Qatar is QR600sqm and we know that UDC units are substantially lower in cost.

My theory is the individual developers are negotiating with Qatar Cool so that the QC building connection cost, which should be theirs as it is an essential service connection, is incorporated and spread across our individual unit installation fees leaving them to pay nothing.

Sabban has more units than FQ and thus the cost is shared wider and their cost lower. UDC are the master developer and own Qatar Cool so absorbed this installation cost as a developer - which is how it should be done. It would explain why in Dubai where Tabreed, which is Qatar Cool's partner, operate they have a standard pricing structure close to what UDC owners paid, but investors of units within the independent developers on the Pearl are getting charged more.

Just a theory.