"Pictures of vehicles posted by the fraudsters bear no local number plates as opposed to other listings.
Interested parties who contact the listed addresses, usually e-mail ids (urnnsduhsr764/-a-t-/live.com, yubertel-orherju3894/-a-t-/hotmail.com), are told the same story over and over again."
They also posted the contents of the email sent by the fraudsters to the prospect buyer.
It is kind of awareness for public to avoid such scam if contacted.
article goes against QL:
"Pictures of vehicles posted by the fraudsters bear no local number plates as opposed to other listings.
Interested parties who contact the listed addresses, usually e-mail ids (urnnsduhsr764/-a-t-/live.com, yubertel-orherju3894/-a-t-/hotmail.com), are told the same story over and over again."
They also posted the contents of the email sent by the fraudsters to the prospect buyer.
It is kind of awareness for public to avoid such scam if contacted.