Of course duncheski is looking for some practical information not moral comment. That is understandable.

If you have had a couple of drinks, it's no big deal to drive home. You are probably still under the international standard for drunk while driving.

Having said that, what you did was really stupid considering where you are. But you probably know that in hindsight.

Were you coming from a hotel or bar or something? You were probably followed from the moment you left said establishment. Plain clothes policeman probably stake out establishments monitoring people who leave. He was likely messing with you to test if you were incapable of reacting (ie. too drunk).

Your mistake was breaking a traffic law. He then had reason to believe you may have drank too much. Number one rule of driving after a couple of drinks is DON'T BREAK ANY RULES OR BRING ATTENTION TO YOURSELF.

Well, like I said, this guy probably had you pegged from the moment you left the bar and hopped in your car.

Your just guilty of being stupid. Sucks, but sometimes people forget where they are. It has the illusion of a regular place.