Hi All,

I dont understand how I see so much advertising from Qtel which must be costing a fortune and yet nobody is saying anything about this.

What is it you don't understand, there is a new company starting services (VODAFONE) it means competition for QTEL, and the best way to compete is to advertise/promote new services, new rates, new plans etc etc etc. In fact QTEL already knew that VODAFONE was going to be in the market in 2009 so this "advretising budget" for sure was being studied a while ago.

On the other hand I'm not a shareholder in QTEL otherwise I would have already asked for a detailed explanation on expenditures and why the increase in "adevertising".

I have heard from a friend who knows them and they say they are spending 200 million QR -isn't that money better of in the customers hands or the share holders.

Your friend knows them or knows somebody working in QTEL and this person heard this number ina conversation he was not mean to llisten??...then I can say this is a rumor unless you mention your source and we can verify that source and the info provided.

If they are "going to spend/are spending" that ammount of money for sure shareholdders must have agreed to that, if not then I would call it FRAUD (?!)....how would you call it??

In the end your concern is??
