let's begin in ourselves to shows that we are not for money and behave like the real filipina? then that may change some people perceptions?
and one thing i noticed, if any opened thread about filipino bashing, we jumped in and start being defensive, why? for what? if we knows there's no truth behind it then why to care?...for me,...just let them talk as they wish, really..can't be bothered, just laugh at them for being stopeed in their way of thinking :)
let's begin in ourselves to shows that we are not for money and behave like the real filipina? then that may change some people perceptions?
and one thing i noticed, if any opened thread about filipino bashing, we jumped in and start being defensive, why? for what? if we knows there's no truth behind it then why to care?...for me,...just let them talk as they wish, really..can't be bothered, just laugh at them for being stopeed in their way of thinking :)