CBD - your past record presents you as anti-West, and hence this thread comes across as an attempt to imply that the West assassinated Michael Jackson to cover stuff up. If it's pathetic of me to point that out, then so be it. I can live with myself.

You can't seriously be presenting music videos as 'documented evidence' that his social/political views got him assassinated?

Reasons why that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard all day;

- Those videos presented nothing that wasn't well documented and well discussed. There is nothing for people to be "deceived" about.

- They were released between 14 and 18 years ago. He has met "millions" in the period since then, so why wait til now to assassinate him?

- Music has been used to put across a political message for as long as it's been a popular art form. Many influential musicians use their music in this way. To the best of my knowledge, very few of them have been assassinated.

Somehow you've goaded me into responding "professionally". I now feel dirty and must go and have a shower.