QLVG charitable activities in Doha, Qatar.

Just to inform you all that I have sent a letter to the Director General of Qatar Authority for Charitable Activities asking their concern about QLVG Charitable activities in past and I also mentioned about our future projects. Hopefully we will receive a positive response for them which should be enough for us to continue our Volunteer work in Qatar.

Once I receive a reply from QACA positive or negative, it will be posted on QL.

I really appreciate your concern and ensure that QLVG will never take any step which goes against the Law.

As per my knowledge, if any organization or individual who are not registered with QACA, collecting cash in the name of Charity is strictly not allowed unless it is done through any registered charity organization or through the Embassies of the concern Countries in the case of extreme disaster such as Earth Quake etc...

But helping the people in need who are living in Qatar, by collecting items such as used clothes/shoes, providing water/ food, donating blood etc... supporting Govt in it's initiative for keep Qatar Clean and Green is allowed.

Just to be on safe side I will seek their written approval so that we can carry on our volunteer activities as usual.