Qatar is in the midst of an economic boom supported by its expanding production of natural gas and oil. Economic policy is focused on development of Qatar's nonassociated natural gas reserves and increasing private and foreign investment in non-energy sectors. Oil and gas account for more than 60% of GDP, roughly 85% of export earnings, and 70% of government revenues. Oil and gas have made Qatar the highest per-capita income country and one of the world's fastest growing. Sustained high oil prices and increased natural gas exports in recent years have helped build Qatar's budget and trade surpluses and foreign reserves. Proved oil reserves of more than 15 billion barrels should ensure continued output at current levels for 22 years. Qatar's proved reserves of natural gas are roughly 25 trillion cubic meters, about 15% of the world total and third largest in the world. Qatar has permitted substantial foreign investment in the development of its gas fields during the last decade and became the world's top liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter in 2007.
Exchange rates
Qatari rials per US dollar - 3.64 (2004), 3.64 (2003), 3.64 (2002), 3.64 (2001), 3.64 (2000)
Exports $42,020,000,000.00 [54th of 189]
Exports to US $78,700,000.00 [94th of 224]
GDP $42,462,640,000.00 [60th of 203]
GDP (purchasing power parity) $71,420,000,000.00 [76th of 187]
GDP > Real growth rate 8.4% [27th of 198]
GDP growth > annual % 6.07 annual % [51st of 187]
Human Development Index 0.849 [40th of 178]
Inflation rate (consumer prices) 13.7% [13th of 192]
Public debt 11 % of GDP [108th of 121]
Total reserves minus gold > current US$ 4,542,368,000 $ [66th of 178]
Tourist arrivals 435,000 [71st of 152]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Europe 233,315 [86th of 195]
Qatar rank for its export value and rate for 2007
is: # 56 Qatar: $42,020,000,000.00 2007
GDP (Constant Prices, National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is QAR 140.377 Billion. Real GDP is expressed in billions of national currency units; the base year is country-specific.
GDP Growth (Constant Prices, National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is 16.843 %. Annual percentages of constant price GDP are year-on-year changes; the base year is country-specific.
GDP (Current Prices, National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is QAR 425.339 Billion. GDP is expressed in billions of national currency units.
GDP (Current Prices, US Dollars) for Qatar in year 2008 is US$ 116.851 Billion. Values are based upon GDP in national currency and the exchange rate projections provided by country economists for the group of other emerging market and developing countries. Exchanges rates for advanced economies are established in the WEO assumptions for each WEO exercise.
GDP Deflator for Qatar in year 2008 is 302.998 (Index, Base Year as per country's accounts = 100). The GDP deflator is derived by dividing current price GDP by constant price GDP and is considered to be an alternate measure of inflation. Please note: Data are expressed in the base year of each country's national accounts.
GDP Per Capita (Constant Prices, National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is QAR 127,892.73 . GDP is expressed in constant national currency per person. Data are derived by dividing constant price GDP by total population.
GDP Per Capita (Current Prices, National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is QAR 387,513.03 . GDP is expressed in current national currency per person. Data are derived by dividing current price GDP by total population.
GDP Per Capita (Current Prices, US Dollars) for Qatar in year 2008 is US$ 106,459.62 . GDP is expressed in current U.S. dollars per person. Data are derived by first converting GDP in national currency to U.S. dollars and then dividing it by total population.
Output Gap, Percent of Potential GDP for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
GDP (PPP), US Dollars for Qatar in year 2008 is US$ 95.13 Billion. These data form the basis for the country weights used to generate the World Economic Outlook country group composites for the domestic economy. Please note: The IMF is not a primary source for purchasing power parity (PPP) data. WEO weights have been created from primary sources and are used solely for purposes of generating country group composites. For primary source information, please refer to one of the following sources: the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank, or the Penn World Tables. For further information see Box A2 in the April 2004 World Economic Outlook, Box 1.2 in the September 2003 World Economic Outlook for a discussion on the measurem
GDP Per Capita (PPP), US Dollars for Qatar in year 2008 is US$ 86,669.62 . These data form the basis for the country weights used to generate the World Economic Outlook country group composites for the domestic economy. Please note: The IMF is not a primary source for purchasing power parity (PPP) data. WEO weights have been created from primary sources and are used solely for purposes of generating country group composites. For primary source information, please refer to one of the following sources: the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank, or the Penn World Tables. For further information see Box A2 in the April 2004 World Economic Outlook, Box 1.2 in the September 2003 World Economic Outlook for a discussion on the measurem
GDP Share of World Total (PPP) for Qatar in year 2008 is 0.127 %. These data form the basis for the country weights used to generate the World Economic Outlook country group composites for the domestic economy. Please note: The IMF is not a primary source for purchasing power parity (PPP) data. WEO weights have been created from primary sources and are used solely for purposes of generating country group composites. For primary source information, please refer to one of the following sources: the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank, or the Penn World Tables. For further information see Box A2 in the April 2004 World Economic Outlook, Box 1.2 in the September 2003 World Economic Outlook for a discussion on the measurem
Implied PPP Conversion Rate for Qatar in year 2008 is 4.471 . These data form the basis for the country weights used to generate the World Economic Outlook country group composites for the domestic economy. Please note: The IMF is not a primary source for purchasing power parity (PPP) data. WEO weights have been created from primary sources and are used solely for purposes of generating country group composites. For primary source information, please refer to one of the following sources: the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank, or the Penn World Tables. For further information see Box A2 in the April 2004 World Economic Outlook, Box 1.2 in the September 2003 World Economic Outlook for a discussion on the measurem
Investment (% of GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
Gross National Savings (% of GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
Inflation, Average Consumer Prices (Indexed to Year 2000) for Qatar in year 2008 is 176.794 (Index, Base Year 2000 = 100). Data for inflation are averages for the year, not end-of-period data. The index is based on 2000=100.
Inflation (Average Consumer Price Change %) for Qatar in year 2008 is 15 %. Data for inflation are averages for the year, not end-of-period data.
Inflation, End of Year (Indexed to Year 2000) for Qatar in year 2008 is 176.794 (Index, Base Year 2000 = 100). Data for inflation are end of the period, not annual average data. The index is based on 2000=100.
Inflation (End of Year Change %) for Qatar in year 2008 is 15 %. Data for inflation are end of the period, not annual average data.
Six-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) Change % for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
Unemployment Rate (% of Labour Force) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
Employment for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
Population for Qatar in year 2008 is 1.098 Million .
General Government Balance (National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Balance (% of GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Structural Balance (National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Structural Balance (% Potential GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Net Debt (National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Net Debt (% GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Gross Debt (National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Gross Debt (% GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
Current Account Balance (US Dollars) for Qatar in year 2008 is 50.147 Billion. Balance of payments data are based upon the methodology of the 5th edition of the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Payments Manual (1993). Data for the world total reflects errors, omissions, and asymmetries in balance of payments statistics on current account, as well as the exclusion of data for international organizations and a limited number of countries. Calculated as the sum of the balance of individual countries.
Current Account Balance (% GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is 42.915 %. Balance of payments data are based upon the methodology of the 5th edition of the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Payments Manual (1993). Data for the world total reflects errors, omissions, and asymmetries in balance of payments statistics on current account, as well as the exclusion of data for international organizations and a limited number of countries. Calculated as the sum of the balance of individual countries.
* Source: IMF
Qatar is in the midst of an economic boom supported by its expanding production of natural gas and oil. Economic policy is focused on development of Qatar's nonassociated natural gas reserves and increasing private and foreign investment in non-energy sectors. Oil and gas account for more than 60% of GDP, roughly 85% of export earnings, and 70% of government revenues. Oil and gas have made Qatar the highest per-capita income country and one of the world's fastest growing. Sustained high oil prices and increased natural gas exports in recent years have helped build Qatar's budget and trade surpluses and foreign reserves. Proved oil reserves of more than 15 billion barrels should ensure continued output at current levels for 22 years. Qatar's proved reserves of natural gas are roughly 25 trillion cubic meters, about 15% of the world total and third largest in the world. Qatar has permitted substantial foreign investment in the development of its gas fields during the last decade and became the world's top liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter in 2007.
Exchange rates
Qatari rials per US dollar - 3.64 (2004), 3.64 (2003), 3.64 (2002), 3.64 (2001), 3.64 (2000)
Exports $42,020,000,000.00 [54th of 189]
Exports to US $78,700,000.00 [94th of 224]
GDP $42,462,640,000.00 [60th of 203]
GDP (purchasing power parity) $71,420,000,000.00 [76th of 187]
GDP > Real growth rate 8.4% [27th of 198]
GDP growth > annual % 6.07 annual % [51st of 187]
Human Development Index 0.849 [40th of 178]
Inflation rate (consumer prices) 13.7% [13th of 192]
Public debt 11 % of GDP [108th of 121]
Total reserves minus gold > current US$ 4,542,368,000 $ [66th of 178]
Tourist arrivals 435,000 [71st of 152]
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Europe 233,315 [86th of 195]
Qatar rank for its export value and rate for 2007
is: # 56 Qatar: $42,020,000,000.00 2007
GDP (Constant Prices, National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is QAR 140.377 Billion. Real GDP is expressed in billions of national currency units; the base year is country-specific.
GDP Growth (Constant Prices, National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is 16.843 %. Annual percentages of constant price GDP are year-on-year changes; the base year is country-specific.
GDP (Current Prices, National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is QAR 425.339 Billion. GDP is expressed in billions of national currency units.
GDP (Current Prices, US Dollars) for Qatar in year 2008 is US$ 116.851 Billion. Values are based upon GDP in national currency and the exchange rate projections provided by country economists for the group of other emerging market and developing countries. Exchanges rates for advanced economies are established in the WEO assumptions for each WEO exercise.
GDP Deflator for Qatar in year 2008 is 302.998 (Index, Base Year as per country's accounts = 100). The GDP deflator is derived by dividing current price GDP by constant price GDP and is considered to be an alternate measure of inflation. Please note: Data are expressed in the base year of each country's national accounts.
GDP Per Capita (Constant Prices, National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is QAR 127,892.73 . GDP is expressed in constant national currency per person. Data are derived by dividing constant price GDP by total population.
GDP Per Capita (Current Prices, National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is QAR 387,513.03 . GDP is expressed in current national currency per person. Data are derived by dividing current price GDP by total population.
GDP Per Capita (Current Prices, US Dollars) for Qatar in year 2008 is US$ 106,459.62 . GDP is expressed in current U.S. dollars per person. Data are derived by first converting GDP in national currency to U.S. dollars and then dividing it by total population.
Output Gap, Percent of Potential GDP for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
GDP (PPP), US Dollars for Qatar in year 2008 is US$ 95.13 Billion. These data form the basis for the country weights used to generate the World Economic Outlook country group composites for the domestic economy. Please note: The IMF is not a primary source for purchasing power parity (PPP) data. WEO weights have been created from primary sources and are used solely for purposes of generating country group composites. For primary source information, please refer to one of the following sources: the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank, or the Penn World Tables. For further information see Box A2 in the April 2004 World Economic Outlook, Box 1.2 in the September 2003 World Economic Outlook for a discussion on the measurem
GDP Per Capita (PPP), US Dollars for Qatar in year 2008 is US$ 86,669.62 . These data form the basis for the country weights used to generate the World Economic Outlook country group composites for the domestic economy. Please note: The IMF is not a primary source for purchasing power parity (PPP) data. WEO weights have been created from primary sources and are used solely for purposes of generating country group composites. For primary source information, please refer to one of the following sources: the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank, or the Penn World Tables. For further information see Box A2 in the April 2004 World Economic Outlook, Box 1.2 in the September 2003 World Economic Outlook for a discussion on the measurem
GDP Share of World Total (PPP) for Qatar in year 2008 is 0.127 %. These data form the basis for the country weights used to generate the World Economic Outlook country group composites for the domestic economy. Please note: The IMF is not a primary source for purchasing power parity (PPP) data. WEO weights have been created from primary sources and are used solely for purposes of generating country group composites. For primary source information, please refer to one of the following sources: the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank, or the Penn World Tables. For further information see Box A2 in the April 2004 World Economic Outlook, Box 1.2 in the September 2003 World Economic Outlook for a discussion on the measurem
Implied PPP Conversion Rate for Qatar in year 2008 is 4.471 . These data form the basis for the country weights used to generate the World Economic Outlook country group composites for the domestic economy. Please note: The IMF is not a primary source for purchasing power parity (PPP) data. WEO weights have been created from primary sources and are used solely for purposes of generating country group composites. For primary source information, please refer to one of the following sources: the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Bank, or the Penn World Tables. For further information see Box A2 in the April 2004 World Economic Outlook, Box 1.2 in the September 2003 World Economic Outlook for a discussion on the measurem
Investment (% of GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
Gross National Savings (% of GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
Inflation, Average Consumer Prices (Indexed to Year 2000) for Qatar in year 2008 is 176.794 (Index, Base Year 2000 = 100). Data for inflation are averages for the year, not end-of-period data. The index is based on 2000=100.
Inflation (Average Consumer Price Change %) for Qatar in year 2008 is 15 %. Data for inflation are averages for the year, not end-of-period data.
Inflation, End of Year (Indexed to Year 2000) for Qatar in year 2008 is 176.794 (Index, Base Year 2000 = 100). Data for inflation are end of the period, not annual average data. The index is based on 2000=100.
Inflation (End of Year Change %) for Qatar in year 2008 is 15 %. Data for inflation are end of the period, not annual average data.
Six-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) Change % for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
Unemployment Rate (% of Labour Force) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
Employment for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
Population for Qatar in year 2008 is 1.098 Million .
General Government Balance (National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Balance (% of GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Structural Balance (National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Structural Balance (% Potential GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Net Debt (National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Net Debt (% GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Gross Debt (National Currency) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
General Government Gross Debt (% GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is not available
Current Account Balance (US Dollars) for Qatar in year 2008 is 50.147 Billion. Balance of payments data are based upon the methodology of the 5th edition of the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Payments Manual (1993). Data for the world total reflects errors, omissions, and asymmetries in balance of payments statistics on current account, as well as the exclusion of data for international organizations and a limited number of countries. Calculated as the sum of the balance of individual countries.
Current Account Balance (% GDP) for Qatar in year 2008 is 42.915 %. Balance of payments data are based upon the methodology of the 5th edition of the International Monetary Fund's Balance of Payments Manual (1993). Data for the world total reflects errors, omissions, and asymmetries in balance of payments statistics on current account, as well as the exclusion of data for international organizations and a limited number of countries. Calculated as the sum of the balance of individual countries.
* Source: IMF