Dont talk ssshhhiiittt if you dont have any idea in what you are talking about.... As i said earlier few doesnt represents all... like other nationalities some are giving a damn... Philippines is an asian country with the lil bit influence of western side...But originally in old era, Filipino values are extremely conservative... ANywayZ presently we are now living in modern society... We are not a bunch of hypocrites that pretending to be so crazy conservative hiding our skin under of tons of clothes... We are openminded yet still we still value the old values... Maybe case to case basis but one thing for sure that there is more than meets the eye... And about our country just FYI Philippines consists of 7,100 island if in case you dont know... One of the famous beaches in the Philippines is Boracay which was visited of Queen Elizabeth during 90's... FYI again Mariah Carey stayed at Palawan secretly when she made a concert in Manila... You dont know anything about Filipino and about our country...