(July 12),for those on-hold levels before. As per my info from the school, the inspections were over and they were granted by the authorities to operate those buildings that were kept on hold for inspections. Parents concern, kindly pass the info to other parents on waiting. (Note: To further confirm the above, you may call PSD 418 1587). http://www.psdqatar.com/news/psd-announces-opening-classes http://www.qatar-tribune.com/data/20090711/content.asp?section=nation1_4
(July 12),for those on-hold levels before. As per my info from the school, the inspections were over and they were granted by the authorities to operate those buildings that were kept on hold for inspections.
Parents concern, kindly pass the info to other parents on waiting.
(Note: To further confirm the above, you may call PSD 418 1587).