i dont think vodafone will catch up the market with these kinda offers..
i just took vodafone only because i got a VERY NICE no. if one number changes frm my number, it costs 1,000,000 Qr. i just got mine for 160 QR while spinning ! :)
and i should top up monthly for 110 Qr. and whom will i call for that 110 free vodafone calls ? not a single frend of mine uses that ! :( .. and network coverage ??
lol bleu..
i dont think vodafone will catch up the market with these kinda offers..
i just took vodafone only because i got a VERY NICE no. if one number changes frm my number, it costs 1,000,000 Qr. i just got mine for 160 QR while spinning ! :)
and i should top up monthly for 110 Qr. and whom will i call for that 110 free vodafone calls ? not a single frend of mine uses that ! :( .. and network coverage ??
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..