Aye Aye for that Ukeng..now i shall tell mommy to find me a dumb bride...if she's blind and deaf will be added perks i'll accept as dowry :)
The way i see it is we all pretend to be someone else before marriage, we might argue, hell no i am what i am when i'm with my girlfriend but then when you go back home and your all alone THAT IS who u are. When that personal space is then taken over to be shared by your wife thats when everyone needs to adjust to each other. I can spend hours online chatting, playing games, watching whatever movies i want to watch etc but when the wife comes its all "together" time movies that both should like to watch. Heck if my socks are lying around the house thats exactly where i want it to be woman!
Over to you Ukeng :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Aye Aye for that Ukeng..now i shall tell mommy to find me a dumb bride...if she's blind and deaf will be added perks i'll accept as dowry :)
The way i see it is we all pretend to be someone else before marriage, we might argue, hell no i am what i am when i'm with my girlfriend but then when you go back home and your all alone THAT IS who u are. When that personal space is then taken over to be shared by your wife thats when everyone needs to adjust to each other. I can spend hours online chatting, playing games, watching whatever movies i want to watch etc but when the wife comes its all "together" time movies that both should like to watch. Heck if my socks are lying around the house thats exactly where i want it to be woman!
Over to you Ukeng :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)