the maid is'nt being punished for adultry as the actually act commited wasnt adultry... they are being punished for the act of intercourse between two unmarried people which is "HARAM" in Islam and since this is an islamic country the laws apply.. thats a prepective for you..
and as for the males kissing on the cheeks, holding hands and nose rubbing as u called it has no "under lyding social bla bla" but are mere cultural habbits THAT BY THE WAY HAVE MEANING, in the gulf they "nose rub".. in sudan each person touches the shoulder of the other.. and in general we all hug.. so please before getting all educated and philosophical.. try to educate yourselfs on the LAWS of THIS country, its religious values and social norms...
as for the murder case, "blood money" applies only if the incident was an accident.. since obviously it wasnt an accident, the respective law applies..but if you share the ideas of "miss canada" where she implied hipocrisy and unprogressive im sure your sponsors will gladly sign your papers and may escort you to the airport if needed...
the maid is'nt being punished for adultry as the actually act commited wasnt adultry... they are being punished for the act of intercourse between two unmarried people which is "HARAM" in Islam and since this is an islamic country the laws apply.. thats a prepective for you..
and as for the males kissing on the cheeks, holding hands and nose rubbing as u called it has no "under lyding social bla bla" but are mere cultural habbits THAT BY THE WAY HAVE MEANING, in the gulf they "nose rub".. in sudan each person touches the shoulder of the other.. and in general we all hug.. so please before getting all educated and philosophical.. try to educate yourselfs on the LAWS of THIS country, its religious values and social norms...
as for the murder case, "blood money" applies only if the incident was an accident.. since obviously it wasnt an accident, the respective law applies..but if you share the ideas of "miss canada" where she implied hipocrisy and unprogressive im sure your sponsors will gladly sign your papers and may escort you to the airport if needed...