To me, you can sum up Qatar Airways' respect for customers when you listen to the helpless and hapless Filipinas trying to do the public addresses in the departure concourse.

Most companies would hire an English speaker for such a role, or better yet someone bilingual - English and Arabic.

Qatar Airways instead hires Filipinas who you would struggle to understand when they try to page Westerners (paging Mr Smeeeeth, Mr Smeeeeeeth, yourrrr flight is now ready for boarrrrrdinggggg = Mr Smith...).

I'm often reduced to a giggling fit listening to them stumble over common Qatari surnames, like Muraikhi or Kaabi or Mohannadi.

It's not their fault they can't pronounce these names - they are from Manila, not Mekkah. They are doing their best, but still struggling.

But honestly, why would Qatar Airways hire people so utterly unfit for the job?

Because they are cheap, not because they are suitable.

And it's the same for all their other front line service staff. Most of them seem to be idiots from cultures that don't possess even basic customer service skills, or the ability to think laterally to solve problems.

Perhaps they aren't really idiots, but they are forced to behave that way by company regulations.

But in any case, the service is so often so terrible that it reeks of contempt for your customer, and that's what really shits me.