As i said, i paid enough for my taxes to earn the passport. The canadian passport - believe it or not - offers no protection abroad as most people claim. Canadians were amongst the last to be rescued from Lebanon; we've had a child soldier - born and raised in Canada - in Guantanamo on false charges for over 7 years; we've had a citizen since 1995 in Sudanese jails for more than 5 years who was cleared from any wrongdoing by both CSIS and the RCMP yet the Canadian govt refused to issue him a passport so he can travel back home to canada which is his constitutional right; and we've had a kid languishing in Saudi jails for almost 2 years on charges yet the govt is only NOW beginning to talk about his case and his unfair trail; so dont talk to me about protections that my passport offers because it offers absolutly none. A canadian is a canadian whether he got the citizenship through birth or through immigration, yet our government picks and chooses who to help and who to not help and so far only white canadians have been getting the support, so why should i pay for it? If i will forever be labelled and treated as an immigrant then i might as well use the passport just as the government has used me.

As for my fat salary; salaries are not determined by passport solely because the nationality 'deserves' more; my education cost me $40,000 compared to as little as $10,000 that an african or an indian or another arab would have to pay in their home countries (if they have to pay at all). There has to be a reason to work in the middle east so i get the additional 20-30%; if an employer chooses not to pay me they dont have to, but they do :) So no need to call me dishonest or assume things about me; i paid my taxes like a good citizen and when the time came for me to recieve the help i expected from my govt, i got denied while people who were not even citizens and paid no taxes were getting all the support they needed and more. so i asked the question once already: give me one good reason to pay taxes for services i did not, cannot and will not receive.

So yea, as i said; when the Canadian government pays me back every dime i paid in taxes for services i did not use and reverses time for every minute i spent in Canada, i will gladly give up the citizenship. Until then, i have the lovely little blue book and i expect no help from the canadian govt or their representatives: especially considering that the embassy staff out here in the GCC are some of the most obnoxious overpaid undeserving waste of human flesh ive ever met in life.