WHAT!! There is a BIG difference between Intuition and Telepathy. Intuition is not guess work and u get lucky, if you hold a piece of paper in one hand and ask someone to chose which hand has the piece of paper 10 out of 10 times he's only doing guess work. Intuition is more like that gutt feeling u get about something.
Women's intuition i'm sure u must have heard of that term. Just like humans have the 5 senses of touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste which are our basic tools used to identify the things around us, sometimes u hear about having a 6th sense. Your 6th sense is nothing but your brain telling you without any reasoning that you can or cannot do something. I'll tell u about a very nice experiment u can do if you've not already come to do it unintentionally before. You need 2 people for this.
You sit in a quiet room no disturbance and your back towards the door, tell your partner to approach you from behind silently at no particular time interval, just when every she/he wants to come up to you from behind and tap you on the shoulder. Even thou your back is turned u cannot see or hear your partner approach you will get this tingly feeling inside you that something is about to happen.
Telepathy on the other hand is more direct its not a gutt feeling, its a process where you know exactly what someone is thinking, or you can send your thoughts out to another person. Experiment you can do is tell a friend to write down a number between 1 and 10 (lets keep the nos small first dont jump to any no. between 1 and 100000000000000000) then tell your friend to try and project that number to you and you try to read your friend's mind on what no. they wrote down see how well u do. :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
WHAT!! There is a BIG difference between Intuition and Telepathy. Intuition is not guess work and u get lucky, if you hold a piece of paper in one hand and ask someone to chose which hand has the piece of paper 10 out of 10 times he's only doing guess work. Intuition is more like that gutt feeling u get about something.
Women's intuition i'm sure u must have heard of that term. Just like humans have the 5 senses of touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste which are our basic tools used to identify the things around us, sometimes u hear about having a 6th sense. Your 6th sense is nothing but your brain telling you without any reasoning that you can or cannot do something. I'll tell u about a very nice experiment u can do if you've not already come to do it unintentionally before. You need 2 people for this.
You sit in a quiet room no disturbance and your back towards the door, tell your partner to approach you from behind silently at no particular time interval, just when every she/he wants to come up to you from behind and tap you on the shoulder. Even thou your back is turned u cannot see or hear your partner approach you will get this tingly feeling inside you that something is about to happen.
Telepathy on the other hand is more direct its not a gutt feeling, its a process where you know exactly what someone is thinking, or you can send your thoughts out to another person. Experiment you can do is tell a friend to write down a number between 1 and 10 (lets keep the nos small first dont jump to any no. between 1 and 100000000000000000) then tell your friend to try and project that number to you and you try to read your friend's mind on what no. they wrote down see how well u do. :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)