Jeeze, guys, is this the same QL that constantly bemoans the lack of civility in Qatar and decries any aggressive actions on the part of drivers? These are some great ideas on how to escalate a situation into one that rapidly becomes downright dangerous. Rather than ruin your whole day over a parking space (FFS), and risk damage to your car and/or your person just let him have it! I really hope this is just steam-release or hyperbole. Time for a reality check here - kicking ass, keying the car, running him over, calling the cops and punching him out are all over-reactions to the situation. (I DO like Qatarita's idea of peeing on his car.)
Jeeze, guys, is this the same QL that constantly bemoans the lack of civility in Qatar and decries any aggressive actions on the part of drivers? These are some great ideas on how to escalate a situation into one that rapidly becomes downright dangerous. Rather than ruin your whole day over a parking space (FFS), and risk damage to your car and/or your person just let him have it! I really hope this is just steam-release or hyperbole. Time for a reality check here - kicking ass, keying the car, running him over, calling the cops and punching him out are all over-reactions to the situation. (I DO like Qatarita's idea of peeing on his car.)