Hmm, I didn't realize that wreckless,hazardous, lethal driving was a part of this culture and something that you value as a society. Very interesting. Get off of the street if you don't like it? So, too bad if you feel you are risking your life everytime you get in a car?
It is this kind of thinking that hurts this society. And sadly, as I said before, it seems the only thing that will give you pause, and help you to shift your perspective, is when you are personally touched by the tragic death of a person whom you deeply care about. And it will be all so senseless and needless. But hey, you have your cultural values to uphold.
Hmm, I didn't realize that wreckless,hazardous, lethal driving was a part of this culture and something that you value as a society. Very interesting. Get off of the street if you don't like it? So, too bad if you feel you are risking your life everytime you get in a car?
It is this kind of thinking that hurts this society. And sadly, as I said before, it seems the only thing that will give you pause, and help you to shift your perspective, is when you are personally touched by the tragic death of a person whom you deeply care about. And it will be all so senseless and needless. But hey, you have your cultural values to uphold.