And this is exactly WHY i have left the group. Try to point out what is necessary to keep things alive and it seems like i'm the one doing the whining. I've posted the problems and solution that I FEEL was necessary and i'm the one whining. Alexa and Scarlett both of you are blowing this way out of proportion, instead of seeing the good of the post you rather catch the bull by the tail. I really dont care what you two think about this "attack on KSA" lol well he certainly doesnt seem to think so.

Scarlett you clearly do not know the difference between whining and someone who is giving suggestions as the title of this thread is. Further more i dont see any part of YOU being part of the solution. I'm not here to read about stories about red hens and barking dogs. Instead of pointing fingers at me give in your two cents to the problem.

Alexa does it really matter WHERE the topic has been posted? Let it be here so we can get suggestions from everyone not only QLSG members. Tomorrow they may be part of QLSG too. I really dont know what QLGS members think of themselves. You are all not part of some VIP group for god's sake you were NOBODY and dont try to think of yourselves ABOVE the rest of the QL members by saying post this here and there. WTF?

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
