+ points
1. Save money
2. You have company when at home.
3. Cooking for 2 more economical (Point 1)
4. In sickness or any emergency somebody at home to help
5. Tension due to who will do the daily choirs around the
6. No privacy
- Points
1. Less saved
2. Full privacy.
3. No body to talk to at home
4. No body to help when sick or in emergency.
5. Less tension
+ points
1. Save money
2. You have company when at home.
3. Cooking for 2 more economical (Point 1)
4. In sickness or any emergency somebody at home to help
5. Tension due to who will do the daily choirs around the
6. No privacy
- Points
1. Less saved
2. Full privacy.
3. No body to talk to at home
4. No body to help when sick or in emergency.
5. Less tension
You guys can add more.