Well ... it is really not my own assumption. It is an OBJECTIVE issue. You can opt to conduct an unbiased scientific survey. You can choose large sample of married couple who are without children. You can see how many of them are as happy as those couples who have children. how many of them do want to have their own children?

You can choose sample population of those who go for "scientifically" produced babies options. You can see how many of them already had natural children. I have not said anything on the basis of assumptions. I know number of instances where couples are not happy because they have got no children. I personally know an MBBS Doctor. His first wife is nice beautiful woman. But since couple was without child after many years ... Doctor had been really a sad person. Then he went for second marriage and now he is father of 2 children. Now he is happy man. His first wife has supported him and allowed him second marriage happily.

Recently my female cousin has been married with already married man who got no child from first wife in last eleven years. So why he has gone for second marriage? When my that female cousin is so stupid a girl that she can make his life full of thorns. Just because ... might be she be able to give him children!

Actually now you are raising your own assumptions. If youi have doubt ... then you should first go for an unbiased scientific survey on the issue.

Yes some ppl do adopt children. But mostly they are social workers. They even might not have their own children. Might be they try to overcome their shortcomings of life.

You can see statistics of how many medicines that give hope of giving natural birth of children,,, are sold in market....

You also can compare these statistics with those cases where ppl intentionally use such medicine that will not let them become parents ever!

Normally ppl use birth control medicine when they already have given birth to 1-2 children. May be call girls type things be using birth control medicine even without having given birth to any child.