Actually ... for my detailed discussion on "Subjectivity and Objectivity",,, you should have read article No.2 and onwards ... and this first article should have been read last. This is the problem with blogging that it displays articles in chronological (Date wise) order.

"Thus, knowledge comes from the philosophy of the scientist that puts his assumption to test. (regardless whether correct or incorrect)"

I am in no disagreement. You yourself have pointed out that Knowledge originates with 'philosophy' of scientist.

Whenever someone originates new knowledge,,, even if he is a scientist,,, he then actually performs the role of philosopher. In order to start "scientific" activity ... first you need to have an assumption. And assuptions come from philosophical activities.

Full time philosophers also can generate assumptions and philosophers-cum-scientists also can generate assumptions.

A scientist may really not perform any philosophical thing as well. Might be he not be able enough to generate solid assumptions at his own. He can still be a scientist and can choose some already available assumptions to do scientific works with.

Likewise,,, a full time philosopher may not find time,,, or even may not possess necessary skills to put his ideas to scientific verifications at his own. He can still be a philosopher and can choose to let professional scientists to do necessary scientific verifications upon his ideas.