
I am so mystereous that you cud not realize that I am very much out of box. I am giving all rational reasons and i m not advocating any religion.

Yes inferiority is a reality. So i accept the presence of inferiority. So do i also accept the presence of such inferior attitudes like homosexuality.

And if you say that homosexuals also possess ego/super ego then you yourself falsify your main premise ... that "humans are just animals"...

Remember that you have not said that "animals also possess ego/super ego". And also you cannot say it...!!!

When someone possesses a superior faculty (like homosexual humans do possess ego/super ego) but instead of doing superior things,,, starts copying inferior things... then it becomes EVIL.

Animals doing homosexual things is not any evil... because they just don't possess superior faculties.

But humans doing homosexual things is a form of evil... because despite having superior faculties ... they do inferior things.

What is Evil...???

Evil is a phenomenon whereby some inferior entity flourishes at the cost of superior thing. Like garbage taking the place of clean. Lake cancer (inferior entity) flourishing by destroying human body organs (Superior entity).

Like well mannered gentleman (superior) becomes an idiot homosexual(inferior).