Some would ask "do you draw a line at all?".
The New York Times claims that it's "all the news that's fit to print". The news that wasn't fit to print, I presume, was untrue.
That leaves you to wonder - just because news is true, should it be printed?
Or are there times when even factual news should be censored?
Is censorship of factually true issues ever justifiable? Does the public have a 'right' to know?
Some would ask "do you draw a line at all?".
The New York Times claims that it's "all the news that's fit to print". The news that wasn't fit to print, I presume, was untrue.
That leaves you to wonder - just because news is true, should it be printed?
Or are there times when even factual news should be censored?
Is censorship of factually true issues ever justifiable?
Does the public have a 'right' to know?