The oil and gas will eventually run out so the Gulf nations in my opinion as well as other nations should have a balanced approach to their economy. If Qatar can establish other forms of revenue to support their GDP then I do think they can at least maintain a decent living standard. Perhaps if they instill more industry & agriculture along with their tourism and perhaps a financial sector. I think that is where the US & UK have falled short and why they have been impacted more then others with this crisis. Both countries seem to have gotten away from their industry and have become service based economies. There isn't enough deversity to support the economies especially with a place like London where everything is focused around the financial sector. Why do we need bankers and brokers when the entire system has gone to pot.
I also feel that it would be beneficial for Qatar to create, as much as possible, a man made micro climate by shipping in soil and focusing on planting. Plants will help to drop teh temperature of the country and allow for more rain. Just a thought, but you'll find that it rains more in teh outskirts then it does in Doha.
The oil and gas will eventually run out so the Gulf nations in my opinion as well as other nations should have a balanced approach to their economy. If Qatar can establish other forms of revenue to support their GDP then I do think they can at least maintain a decent living standard. Perhaps if they instill more industry & agriculture along with their tourism and perhaps a financial sector. I think that is where the US & UK have falled short and why they have been impacted more then others with this crisis. Both countries seem to have gotten away from their industry and have become service based economies. There isn't enough deversity to support the economies especially with a place like London where everything is focused around the financial sector. Why do we need bankers and brokers when the entire system has gone to pot.
I also feel that it would be beneficial for Qatar to create, as much as possible, a man made micro climate by shipping in soil and focusing on planting. Plants will help to drop teh temperature of the country and allow for more rain. Just a thought, but you'll find that it rains more in teh outskirts then it does in Doha.