Then Willy replied following:

khuram... some pretty interesting facts you presented there...

"... In fact their own "nudity" was an important factor behind their consciousness development..."

"... cold environment was not the only factor behind original need of being dressed up..."

"... People who lived in warm places also kept themselves dressed up somehow. At least they used underwears..."

"Nature of human body's nudity was a major reason behind human consciousness development."

i have never seen any conclusive evidence that early man wore anything except in the cold. what facts do you have to substantiate any of these claims?

"Those who don't wear clothes (Unless they are so poor to afford any dresses) are Not advanced. Their stage of advancement is like those of other animals."

this is just insulting. i can see that you are merely repeating what you have been taught and have done no research of this on your own. have you ever actually met a nudist?

"... Those who advocate Nudism are idiots because their reasons are faulty and insufficient. Their reasons are that since natural state of other animals is nude, so humans also should remain nude."

again, someone told you this and you blindly believe it. at least have the sense to research what you believe before you say it in a public forum. do a goggle search on nudists and read what they actually think instead of what you've been told they think. granted, this is one of the reasons many give but it's far from the only reason.

"This sense of nudity also developed sense of "shame" in humans ..."

this is so true.

"which is also an advanced form of feeling."

not in my thinking it isn't. repressive feelings are negative. how that is "advanced" is not among my definition of the word.