
Below I am just copying my debate with another person named "Willy" ... on about same issue:

... so is it stupid to run around naked when it is 100 degrees? some might think that it's stupid to have anything on in that kind of heat. using clothing for protection is smart but i think most people use cloths because society frowns on nudity. most of those nudists you call stupid, are actually very intelligent people who have simply thrown of the burden of clothes placed on them by society. i dare say, when the temperatures get cold, they put on warm clothing just like you do. [oh... and i am not a nudist ]


And ... as per your own reasoning ... it should be stupid to run around when temperature is less than 100 degress.

Anyways ... the question is why humans felt the need of dressing up in first place? Humans took this step in their early stages of consciousness development. In fact their own "nudity" was an important factor behind their consciousness development. The element of "nudity" in human body is far more than that of other animals. It is right that people who lived in cold places might have started wearing up animal skins. But only cold environment was not the only factor behind original need of being dressed up. People who lived in warm places also kept themselves dressed up somehow. At least they used underwears and in addition, they did "paint" their body so as to somehow reduce the element of nakedness in them.

Nature of human body's nudity was a major reason behind human consciousness development. It was the nature of their own so strange (or even strong) type of nudity that at first made humans conscious of their own body and eventually to their self!

This sense of nudity also developed sense of "shame" in humans ... which is also an advanced form of feeling.

To wear clothes is an ADVANCEMENT in humans. Humans are UNIQUE because they wear clothes. Those who don't wear clothes (Unless they are so poor to afford any dresses) are Not advanced. Their stage of advancement is like those of other animals.

Those who advocate Nudism are idiots because their reasons are faulty and insufficient. Their reasons are that since natural state of other animals is nude, so humans also should remain nude.

And I do accept that those who have aesthetic body buildups, they do want to show their body. This is not nudism. I am not against it. Even in these cases ... I must say more advanced people only show their good looking bodies after reducing the element of nudity in them. For example many WWE wrestlers do show their good looking bodies ...

but they also usually employ certain body paints and designs ... which are not only good looking but also somehow reduce the element of nudity in them! And I am not against it.

Wise people always felt the need of reducing element of nudity in them in public!

Stupids and idiots publically show their nudity!