
Please note that i am using this case as an indicator to how bad thie canadian government is...

The isotopes are important to canadians who have this cancer disease and shutting down the nuclear plan will cause a short of supply..

Linda Keane who heads some Canadian committee, took a decision to shut down the plant for safety reasons. Linda was fired by the government which wanted to contain the issue and reoperated the plant to therefore increase thier chances in the next election! again, personal gain over Canadian people! a plan for an early election was also suspected!

Not only that, Olivia Chow, accused the transport minister of covering up the alleged mismanagement of Miss (Lisa) Raitt, who is the former CEO of the port authority, and he did so by changing the constitution and interfering politically!

I will be amazed if this lady is not fired after all of this! rest at:

Lisa left a secret file in a tv station (she seems to love shows!) which details a plan and cost of repairng the nuclear plant which has cost Canada billions. This is due to its need and fear of leaks! the plant is on and off!

Guess what, the numbers in the file and the published numbers, in another or the same show not sure, did not match!

Not only that, the head of E-health is fired over some spending scandal:

Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty stated that govt will face over 50 billion shortage in budget after stating earlier that budget won't be affected by global economy crisis.

I guess the sexy issue changed his views by a margin of 50 billion!

Opposition asks PM to fire the finance minister!

what more can I say to prove the low quality of the Canadian government!


don't accuse people of lieing just because you know them in person!

Remember that you are a liar too! never forget that please!

The prove that you are set and conditioned, you see politicians thinking of personal gain on expense of objectives as a normal thing! just because most of politicians act this way! not mentioning tricks they use to win elections and all the rest of it!

This is a great deficiency on the western style democracy/ruling systems because it cannot deal with such a dilemma!

Think outside the box please!


This is what I call sexy!