it was actually posted last week but the suspension was actually done tuesday last week but he admitted to the boss monday lunch time. so what do you think will happen? do you think there will be some benefits of doubt, what if in this case he is trying to cover someone so he dont want to involve this someone in this case, even the boss asked him twice if someone behind this problem.he just replied no, because maybe he is covering other or he dont want to drop any name because, he is only admitting on his own mistakes. what do you think?

what do you think are the usual process if they just already have the police report preparing to submit?

what if my friend cannot believe thets the total amount of money still questionable for him? (i mean not all he takes)

rigth now my friend is in the level of acceptance but what he shall do since he was being suspended?

should he wait for the decision before asking help from the embassy?

do you think this manpower company will do something for him to save him?

what if the boss the he was working with doesnt want him to put in jail and he just gave the decision to manpower company? do you think half of decision will be coming to the boss were he working with?

sooooooooooooo much question....... (deep breath)