Sounds like fun! well scorpions are harmless, they are really shy creatures, i used to have one in a jar for about a year until it escaped... i remember that day everyone freaked in the house lol, im sure he is somewhere in the bahamas now ;)
Well the reason why its up there is cuz its way cooler where you are living and really hot where where you bathroom singer star scorpion is. Look for dark and humid places around your house, if ure lucky u might even find a nest ;) cheers.
Sounds like fun! well scorpions are harmless, they are really shy creatures, i used to have one in a jar for about a year until it escaped... i remember that day everyone freaked in the house lol, im sure he is somewhere in the bahamas now ;)
Well the reason why its up there is cuz its way cooler where you are living and really hot where where you bathroom singer star scorpion is. Look for dark and humid places around your house, if ure lucky u might even find a nest ;) cheers.