I agree ashwin...loving your heritage is not a racism when you accept existence of other cultures and beliefs...
it is only when someone tries to impose his own standard of life and make it applied to all when you see problems rolling like a snowball ending in wars and mass destruction...
we need to develop the ability to smile and live in peace and harmony even if we differ in opinion and ways of life...
We need to focus on what we have in common instead of tabbing on differences which may be justified even had people bother to check.
having said this, it does not mean we need to comromise on our values nor does it mean we cannot live together.
I agree ashwin...loving your heritage is not a racism when you accept existence of other cultures and beliefs...
it is only when someone tries to impose his own standard of life and make it applied to all when you see problems rolling like a snowball ending in wars and mass destruction...
we need to develop the ability to smile and live in peace and harmony even if we differ in opinion and ways of life...
We need to focus on what we have in common instead of tabbing on differences which may be justified even had people bother to check.
having said this, it does not mean we need to comromise on our values nor does it mean we cannot live together.