"half way somewhere in bahrain".. lol.. wondering, is bahrain "half way" - from WHERE?

also, can you guys validate your point regarding meeting him somewhere in the 'third' country??? Why she should meet him out of Qatar?? At least, in Qatar she IS safe: the guy works here; he needs the Exit permit in order to escape from the country; Qatar is very safe, everything and everyone is under control here; the CID has his fingerprints... why on the earth to send the poor girl to some "third" country where she is unprotected?
can someone explain it to me??
if she LIKED the guy, they will find the way to "express their feelings" to each other, don't worry! but if she didn't like the guy, at least he cannot force her, and he cannot do anything bad to her IN QATAR.. but somewhere in the "third" country?..

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry