Stone Cold, I am sorry... but that would be the silliest suggestion ever! At least in Qatar she is much more safe than in any other "third neutral country".
..I am not sure which perspective you are guys talking from... if you guys mean 'hanging out with the opposite sex is prohibited in Qatar', this is a BS, sorry...As I said, all bars and all concert halls, and all Galleries and Museums and Movie theatres are full with the mixed couples and groups.. I don't really see any problem here whatsoever..
If you guys are talking about the girl’s safety, Qatar is very safe country… Why you all guys are so desperate for QLSG gathering, and want to meet “new people”? why you don’t think about any danger or trap, or “opposite sex” issues?? What’s the difference if one came from USA, Sri Lanka, Honolulu.. to meet new people??

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry