Jamon, your advice may be well-meaning but perhaps not very accurate. Yes, there are people who will say yes and no but Dan needs to consider the issues and consequences. His profile says that he is a pilot. IF (an assumption) he is working for QR and living in their housing and his girlfriend sashays in and out every couple of months I suspect that he will be busted sooner than later. QR is pretty strict. He will have to decide if it's worth losing his job and being deported for violating company policy as well as Qatar law. Can he get away with it? Yes, probably for a while. Will he? I suspect not and the consequences are severe. It's not just a slap on the wrist.
Jamon, your advice may be well-meaning but perhaps not very accurate. Yes, there are people who will say yes and no but Dan needs to consider the issues and consequences. His profile says that he is a pilot. IF (an assumption) he is working for QR and living in their housing and his girlfriend sashays in and out every couple of months I suspect that he will be busted sooner than later. QR is pretty strict. He will have to decide if it's worth losing his job and being deported for violating company policy as well as Qatar law. Can he get away with it? Yes, probably for a while. Will he? I suspect not and the consequences are severe. It's not just a slap on the wrist.